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Animated Gifs In Flinto

Flinto: A Versatile Animation Tool for Designers

Animate Effortlessly with Flinto

Flinto empowers designers with the ability to create stunning animations effortlessly. Supports various image formats such as PNG, JPG, GIF, and PSD. Additionally, you can incorporate animated GIFs for added visual interest. As you refine your design, Flinto allows for easy updates with its intuitive interface.

100+ Video Tutorials on Flinto YouTube Channel

Enhance your skills with the vast collection of video tutorials available on the Flinto YouTube channel. Gain insights into scroll-based animations, 3D rotation techniques, and more.

Advanced Animation Capabilities

Flinto's advanced features enable you to create visually captivating animations. Drag and drop video or GIF files directly into your designs. Utilize Flinto's simple 3D rotation tools to design immersive animations with ease.

Simplified Prototyping and Sharing

Share your prototypes seamlessly with Flinto. Record the preview window and export it as a MOVGIF file, or share the Flinto file with a phone for convenient collaboration.
